One of London’s last remaining Tudor houses, Sutton House was originally built in 1535 by Sir Ralph Sadleir. By 1540 he was Secretary of State to Henry VIII and this was his family home. The house has seen many transformations: it was a Victorian school, a Men’s institute in World War One, a Trades Union office in the 1960s and 70s and a punk squat in the 1980s. Today, you can learn more about the lives, passions and even scandals of some of its most intriguing residents, some of whom were Huguenot refugees. From 1743 to 1751, the house was let to Mary Tooke (née Lethieullier), a well-to-do widow from a prominent Huguenot family, the first of many Huguenot residents who made Sutton House their home.

Sutton House, Homerton
by Colin D Brooking. cc-by-sa/2.0