Are you a descendant of a Huguenot Family?  Use the search box to find a specific Family Name, Year, Location or Occupation. If you can not find your ancestor’s name then please add your name here.

Name Date of Residence Location Occupation
Taine, Jacques1666Spitalfields
Tanqueray, David1700Spitalfields, Londonweaver
Teulon, 1689-1740Greenwichhat maker
Thibou, 1680South Carolina
Thirard, Susannec1692-1773London
Thomas , Thomas1692Bishipsgatestonemason
Thomas Burman, Christiana1888Bethnal Greensilk weavers
Thorell , Jean1754-1808Canterbury
Thorne nee Mallendine, Sharon1965 -2016Cornwall
Tier, John FrederickTower Hamlets butcher
Tillet , Bishop William186111 Fleet St north side, Bethnal Greensilk weaver
Tillet, Clementina Martha1841Sclater St, Bethnal Greensilk weaver
Tillet, William1801Duke St, near the Old Artillery Groundssilk dyer
Torbison, 1840Bethnal Greensilk weaver
Touchard, Mathieu1726Spitalfieldssilk weaver
Toucher/Touchard , Mathieu1724Spitalfieldsweaver
Tournier, Gaspard Joseph1840Brunswick Place, Hoxtonjoiner
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